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Successful Reentry to Normal Life

Successful Reentry to Normal Life

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After vacation, is it easy or difficult for you to get back into the swing of things? Do you set yourself up for success when you go on vacation, or do you play catch-up as soon as you get back?

Here’s why I bring up the to-do list when I’m talking about getting back into the swing of things.

When you have things on your mind, writing them down is the best first step towards success! Then you get to work on them & cross them off the list. I’m not sure why but crossing things off my list helps clear my mind, while giving me a clean & organized physical & mental space where I can show up & be awesome afterwards.

And it’s interesting to note that since my list was written down & I was able to break it into smaller chunks throughout those 14 days, I actually finished with a few days to spare, without feeling rushed or stressed, & was able to take the last weekend totally off, enjoy my family, & prepare to get back into normal life!

Here are some ways I prepared this last weekend that I feel really set me up for a successful Monday morning!

  1. Menu planned & grocery shopped. – menu planned for the next week, cleaned out the fridges & freezers, & then grocery shopped (Walmart pick-up all the way!). I have a plan for food, my kids picked which meals they’re making and are excited, and we have everything on hand that we need. So that’s 1 stressor taken off my list for this week!

  2. Sleep adjustments! – We started moving bedtimes back towards normal time a few nights before we wanted to go back to regular bedtime (minus the whole staying up to midnight on New Year’s Eve thing!). I’m not sure about your house, but in our house, when it is vacation time bedtimes get pushed back, wake-up time gets later, & it’s just an overall relaxed feeling around here. I love it as I can sleep in a bit more, but it does make getting up on time difficult if we don’t have that gradual slide back into normalcy.

  3. Time Planning – I block scheduled out my time for our average week. I sat down on Saturday & printed out a schedule with 30-minute blocks for each day. First, I put in everything we have scheduled, added in drive time to events, then added in when we would be working on school, then added in when I’d be working. I added up how much time each week I’m able to set aside for school & work to make sure I’m hitting the time goals I have for both. My husband & I sat down together to go over what each of us needs to be doing at certain times, how we can help each other, and what our expectations are for the kids. In our house we are firm believers on having open & clear communication. I can’t get upset at my husband for not doing something if I haven’t clearly communicated what I need/want him to do, & vice versa. And honestly the same thing goes for communicating with the kids.

By doing these 3 tasks, my Monday morning went much smoother than it typically would. I actually woke up when my alarm went off, my morning personal time block happened & I actually got my quiet time & exercise in, & then I was able to focus on my work time block during the time I had set aside for it before the kids woke up & the next portion of my day started. I felt confident in how I was starting my week, tasks were checked off the task list first thing, I had a handle on what the kids should be doing & what my client’s needed. Dinner prep wasn’t a stress as we had a plan & at least 1 child was excited about it!

All because I took some extra time prior to Monday morning to set myself & my family up for success.

For me, planning is key for a smooth, organized, less stressed, & an enjoyable reentry into normalcy!

How about you? Are or did you do anything special to set yourself up for success for reentry? I’d love to hear your tips & tricks you use!

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